Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Not So Long Catch Up Post


Here he comes!
We don’t have internet. Therefore, I don’t get many chances to write on this thing. But a good deal has happened since I last wrote. First and foremost, Nyte is crawling on all fours. He started doing it near the end of July/early August. Before that, he would do this rather painful belly flop to get from point A to B. So he is on all fours and getting into EVERYTHING! Fun Story:  Nyte was taking steps on his own at about 10 months, but he walks around best holding onto one of our hands. On the day he was “officially” crawling, Nyte crawled over to get a bite of whatever Traz and I were eating. After he got a taste, he turns around (he is on his feet by the couch at this point) and starts to walk across the living room! He did fine at first but started going faster and faster and then…WHAM! Face planted. Yeah, needless to say he is a bit hesitant to walk on his own again. 

What Else Is Going On?

We also had Nyte’s 1st Birthday! It was a very fun day! Really nostalgic for me. Traz and I stayed up until almost midnight decorating the kitchen. I woke up around 5am to deal with Nyte only to discover that all the decorations fell down. Word of advice: Use pins, not tape. In the end, the decorations were very nice. Went a little overboard for his first birthday but it was fun and Nyte enjoyed it. We had a couple of friends from our ward (people we go to church with) to celebrate with us. We had pizza and cupcakes. Nyte really didn’t know what to do with the cupcake. He just smashed it into a pulp and then kinda ate it. He really wasn’t that interested in it, if you can believe that! We got him presents from the D.I (Deseret Industries, a thrift store run by my church) and dollar stores. Why break the bank? As my Dad said, “If it’s new to them, then it’s new.”  It was a good birthday anywhere.

The first attempt...I need practice.
Nyte also had his first haircut. Let’s just say it did not go well. I tried just using the clippers, but Nyte hated them! After the first few swipes, it was almost impossible to trim his hair. I would turn the clippers on, and Nyte would start to cry, throw himself onto the tray of the booster seat I was using and cover his head with his arms. So I tried to use the scissors. Yeah….don’t try using scissors on a one-year old. The first result of the haircut was so awful, I had to suck it up and use the clippers to even it out. Needless to say, I feel like I have traumatized my son. 

What About Mom and Dad?

Traz and I are doing well. I love being a mom and helping Nyte learn and grow. It is very rewarding and I have no regrets. I do have a ganglion cyst on my right wrist that I will be getting rid of next month. We tried whacking it with a book, but it didn’t work. So, I’m hoping that draining it will work and I won’t have to get it surgically removed. Traz has gotten several product redesigns out for the company he works for. He works hard to help support our family and I couldn’t be more proud. We are excited for next year, in which we hope to buy a house! We have some more saving to do but I think it will be a fun adventure. There are lots of big things in store for us!
We are breathing, living, and loving life. Hope you are doing the same!
-The Waymans

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