Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tyten Alan: A New Look At Potty Training

Potty Training?

Yeah…you’ll see…


It was the end of another busy day. Traz and his dad had been working on the basement most of the day. His mom and I took Nyte to the nearby elementary school to play on the slides. We went to the Chinese buffet for dinner and then went home to rest. It was around 8:55pm. Nyte was sitting on my lap on the stairs and starting to get fussy because he was sleepy. So Traz took him off my lap and to his room. I was about to get up from the stairs when, as I was pulling myself up, I felt like I had gotten punched in the gut or just hit something really hard in my stomach. It actually took me a couple of minutes to get up after that. I then got a banana for Nyte (his bedtime snack) and headed to his room. That’s when I realized my water broke. 
I told Traz that I was pretty certain my water broke. He wanted me to go with his mom to the hospital right away. I stayed and waited to see if it actually had broken, which it had. We got to the hospital by 9:20pm.
There was only one nurse, let’s call her Cindy, in OB cause there were no patients. That meant we got the largest delivery room, which was pretty nice since it had a couch Traz could lie down on. So, I got my papers in, an IV going to prep me for an epidural, and could feel the contractions really working hard. I wanted to watch some TV to get my mind off the pain, but the cable was out in that room. Cindy said she could bring in a TV with a DVD player, so Traz went home real quick to get some movies for me. Shortly after he left, I had to get propped up on one side with some pillows because Tyten’s heart rate was going down with each contraction and Cindy wanted to try to keep that from happening. After that, I needed to go to the bathroom. So, Cindy checked my cervix (5cm dilated and 100% effaced), and helped me out but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t really go. That should have been my first clue to how the rest of the night was going to go, but I thought it was just my body doing its thing.

Potty Training 101

So as I went back towards my bed, I realized how much more comfortable I felt standing up rather than lying down. By this time Traz had already been back for a little while. Cindy left to talk to a doctor and Traz stayed with me. He left a couple of times to ask Cindy if the epidural guy was coming soon because my contractions were getting more intense and closer together. However, the epidural couldn’t come until the lab came back with my CVC count. So, there I am dealing with some pretty bad contractions. Somewhere in there I actually do go to the bathroom and then come back out to stand up and labor some more. Eventually, I decide to sit down on the edge of the bed.
That’s when, for lack of a better term, I pooped myself. I couldn’t have stopped that bowel movement if I tried. I told Traz to go get Cindy because I thought I might need to push, but when she came in all I said was, “Uh….I pooped”. So, she got me up to the bathroom, and left to go get some rags to clean up the mess. I was sitting on the toilet when a contraction started. That’s when I yelled, “Traz!!! Go get the nurse cause I need to push!!!!!” 
Traz gets all wide eyed, says, “Everything’s gonna be ok!” and runs out of the room for Cindy. Enter Cindy with a towel yelling, “Don’t push! Don’t push!” She helps me up off the toilet and half carries me to the bed. Over my screaming (and yes, I was REALLY screaming at this point) I hear Cindy yelling at Traz, “Hit the light! Hit the light!” Traz, having no idea what she means, says, “What light!?” All this happened in one contraction. By this time they have me on the bed and Cindy has hit “the light” to get another nurse from anywhere into my room to help her out. She then has Traz get the big blue package from the cupboard in our room to deliver the baby, while yelling at the second nurse who has come in to get Dr. Bradshaw over. She actually had Traz try to call him at one point as well.
So there I am, half way on my bed at an awkward angle with Cindy telling me not to push but also to not scream as well. I try doing some Lamaze breathing to distract me. Yeah….I can’t do Lamaze breathing. So at some point I have a mouth full of my hospital gown in my mouth. But before I gag myself, I have to ask an obvious question to Cindy…
“Is the baby coming?”
WHAT ELSE COULD BE HAPPENING!?!? I’m in Labor and Delivery screaming…bless Cindy for not smacking me and saying, “Stupid woman! What do you think you’re in here for!?”
And of course, while all of this is happening the only thing I am thinking is, “No! I can’t have the baby yet! The epidural guy isn’t here! We have to wait for him!!!!”
So, two contractions after I am on the bed (a total of 3 contractions), Tyten Alan enters into our lives on July 26th at 11:47pm. If I had pushed at all when I was in the bathroom, I would have had him in the toilet. Hence, Tyten is my potty training baby.


As for the pain, all I remember was feeling pressure and that I was tearing a little. It really wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was like my body just couldn’t register anymore discomfort, so it just flattened out after a certain point. I actually had a harder time getting stitched up (Dr. Bradshaw made it in time to do that. He got to the room when Tyten was in the warmer.) than the actual delivery. After the head came out, I was actually a great deal more comfortable. I did like how I was able to shower and walk around so soon after delivering. The biggest problem I had was the adrenaline high I had after. I had a really hard time sleeping for the next 24 hours!
Nyte and Tyten saying "hello"

How Is Nyte With His New Brother?

Nyte loves Tyten….sometimes a little too much. He is always excited to see him, even when he is sleeping in the bouncer. When Tyten cries when he is in the bouncer or on my bed or floor, Nyte often gets to him before I do and says, “Hi tye-tuh.”(That’s “tyten”) Yes, Nyte will get upset if I have to stop playing to nurse Tyten and I’ve gotten upset with the few times he’s hit Tyten.  All-in-all, Nyte is adjusting
Introducing: Tyten!

So there you have it! After much craziness, we are adjusting well to two little boys. Tyten sleeps rather well at night (knock on wood…) and is generally a happy baby. Our little family has grown a little more, filling our lives with A LOT of love and happiness. 

Until next time!

-The Waymans