Thursday, July 19, 2012

End Of School Update

Traz left for his last day of college today. Surreal? Yes. Yes it is. As Bloat says at the end of Finding Nemo...

"Now what?"

Before we get to that, however, let's get caught up about what has happened thus far! 

Tell us about the baby! 

Well that has been a roller coaster, for certain! At 33 weeks, I had been experiencing some pretty intense pressure and pain on and around my pubic bone/area. I was going to brush it off but that is when the sporadic and minor contractions started. I went to the doctor that same day and after one two people gave me a cervix check, I was told that I was about 50% effaced. (The first nurse said I was 1cm dilated.) They asked if what I did in terms of a workout, and I listed it all out:

-Prenatal yoga once a week
-Water Aerobics twice a week
-Walking over a mile everyday to and from school

The doctors nearly slapped me when they heard I was doing all of this in my third trimester! The end result: No more prenatal yoga or water aerobics. I can walk but slowly, and have to not clean as much. AKA- quasi bed rest.

Never fear though, the next week a different doctor double checked my cervix and claimed that I was not effacing anymore. My contractions had pretty much stopped too. No premie baby in this household!

Me at 33 weeks!

Everything Else! 

Traz went to Las Vegas to present a project his class had been asked to create for K-2 Energy. The project? A testing board for the batteries the company creates (in the simple way that I can wrap my non-computer-engineering brain around it). The company loved the product! Sadly, there is no internship in the future for Traz. 

Which leads us to the fact that we will be moving at the end of August!  We are very very very very excited to be leaving Rexburg! Our destination? So far the game plan is to stay with the Traz's very hospitable parents in Nampa until we can find an internship. 

So what will we be doing between now and the big move? Getting ready for the arrival of our son of course! Lots of cleaning, packing, planning and waiting to be done! Cleaning the apartment, packing up our stuff, planning for the baby's arrival/internships, and waiting for me to pop.

So that's what this family of penguin's has been up to!

-The Wayman's

The Old Blog?

For those of you who don't know me too well....I am stubborn and impatient. I was having some trouble getting into the old blog. So, I made a new gmail account and a new blog!


 If you missed the few posts I had on the old blog, you can get caught up real quick by simply going to the link below. This is the new and improved blog for everyone to get caught up on our travels, adventures, schemes, plots, and tom-foolery!

The Old Blog