Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Random Post

Well here is another post for those of you who aren’t currently reading mine, Traz’s or Nyte’s mind. To those of you who are…..get out of our heads!  Let me answer the question that might be on a lot of your minds (because I CAN read your minds. Freaked out? You should be….)

How Is Nyte Doing?

After a week of suction, humidifiers and getting used to solid food again, I am glad to say that Nyte made a full recovery from RSV. He is happy and healthy. A slight head cold was going around for a bit but it was all under control thanks to my heartless suction of all that was mucous in his nose. He has now gone back to his normal self. 

And Now Onto Other Things!

Traz is still working about 50 hours a week at work. It’s all a matter of so many things to do but not enough people to do it. But he is happy to be able to have a job and I am proud of all the new products he gets to help create in his department. For those of you who don’t know, Traz works in the Research and Development Department for Intermountain Electronics. He helps design part of power plants and coal mines. I would tell you more about what he does, but then I would have to kill you. (In truth…I don’t understand a lot of it myself…)
As for me, Nyte and I spend the day learning, playing, and so forth. Nyte is now able to move forward on his belly. It’s not his preferred method of transportation, but he can do it if he really wants something. What he really likes to do is take my (or Traz’s) hands, pull himself up and walk around. He may skip walking but who knows. I first have to get him over the idea that I carry him everywhere…which will take training on my part J.
He has also started to copy the sounds of words Traz and I say. When we were at Mailee’s and Spencer’s for a weekend, Nyte got a real kick out of their dog Lizzy. By the end of the weekend, Nyte was enthusiastically saying (or thereabouts) the word “dog”. Granted, it sounded more like “da-ah-gah!” but he liked saying. Now his new favorite word is “hat”. He tends to quickly say the “a” sound or kinda skip over it.  Overall, we are proud of our little Goomba.  He‘s working on getting  some more teeth coming in as well!
In Other News:
Traz and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Monday. (And yes, we did get our taxes in beforehand so we could enjoy the day). We ate a delicious dinner and played some video games to celebrate. I’m gonna get all mushy for a second and reminisce. I feel very grateful to have been able to find Traz. That he would look at me and decide I was worth the time and effort. That he still looks at me and thinks that after almost three years of being together. Traz is truly my better half. He keeps me striving to do better and to look at things from a different angle. While it always hasn’t been easy, it has been worth it. I love my husband, and I love April 15th because it is the day I started my eternal family with him. Therefore, it is the greatest day of my life. Because without that day, I would not be typing this while I listen to make sure that Nyte is still soundly asleep while Traz is sleeping peacefully next to me. So yes…April 15th may be a day of taxes and turmoil to the rest of you,  but to me it is a day to cherish.

Now That You’re All Done Being Sick Off Of My Mushy-ness

We get to have Nyte taken in for his first round of immunizations on the 20th! (Which I guess would be today when I post it….). I’m not looking forward to how he will react. We waited so long because of medical insurance, but also because we wanted Nyte to get over his trauma from being in the hospital. Now it’s time to traumatize him some more right? Hopefully it goes well and there are no major side effects on his part. Wish us luck!

Until next time….

-The Waymans

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